Carbon Reduction Plan

Leading the way for sustainable, environmentally-friendly, and water-efficient roof solutions.

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Guiding Clients Towards Carbon Reduction

As a forward-thinking company in the construction industry, we are deeply committed to reducing our carbon footprint and contributing positively to environmental sustainability.

Insulation and Renewable Technologies
: We encourage our clients to exceed current building regulations by improving insulation and incorporating renewable technologies, such as solar power.

Advanced Waterproofing Systems: Utilising mastic asphalt, a CarbonZero standard-compliant material, for over a decade, ensuring high-quality, sustainable waterproofing.
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Innovative Roofing Solutions

Noxite Bituminous Membrane

An eco-friendly roofing option that uses sunlight to convert NOx particles in polluted air into harmless nitrates, which are then washed away by rain. 

Green and Blue Roofs

We promote and install Green and Blue roofs that improve air quality, manage stormwater, enhance biodiversity, and offer additional benefits like insulation and aesthetics.

Sustainable Materials

We advocate for and utilise innovative materials like Enviroflex, a solvent-free, VOC-free roofing solution with a bitumen recycling scheme.

Sustainable Practices in Manufacturing and Waste Management

Streamlining Recycling Initiatives

Collaborating with manufacturers who have established programs to collect and recycle construction materials and waste directly from sites, significantly reducing landfill waste.

We currently recycle up to 95% of our waste. We also repurpose leftover materials and donate pallets to local schools and social enterprises.

Cradle-to-Cradle Products

Engaging in the development of products designed for continuous repurposing or recycling, promoting a sustainable lifecycle and reducing environmental impact.

Our Carbon Reduction Journey

Developing a Comprehensive Plan:

We are in the process of creating a robust Carbon Reduction Plan, drawing knowledge from resources like the FSB and SME Climate Hub.
Scope 1 and Scope 2 Emissions:

Aiming to calculate and mitigate our direct and energy indirect emissions, setting clear targets for reduction.
Operational Changes for a Smaller Footprint:

We are implementing changes in our business activities and office environment, including reducing plastic usage, using recyclable coffee cups, sourcing local products, adopting digital tools, and promoting water conservation.
Sustainable Procurement:

We take a holistic approach to material selection, considering lifecycle costs and environmental impact. We partner with suppliers actively improving their practices and source FSC-certified timber.
Energy Efficiency and Emissions Reduction:

We prioritise electric vehicles and charging stations, utilise water tanks for conservation, and offset carbon emissions through tree planting initiatives. We also encourage working from home and carpooling to minimise travel.

Understanding the CarbonZero Standard

Every human endeavour exerts an environmental footprint, and the construction industry plays a significant role in the carbon dioxide emissions landscape. The UK Green Building Council attributes approximately 10% of the country's carbon dioxide emissions to construction activities, with the built environment as a whole accounting for about 40% of emissions.

Initiating emissions reduction begins with enhancing processes for greater efficiency at the source. Carbon offsetting, in turn, becomes a valuable tool to address unavoidable residual emissions, rather than serving as a rationale for inefficiency. The CarbonZero standard, developed by CO2balance, offers internationally recognised carbon credits to organisations striving to take the final step in achieving their emissions reduction goals.

These credits support projects aligned with the Gold Standard Foundation, effectively reducing emissions while contributing to the United Kingdom sustainable development goals.
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Recent Projects

Edenbridge Memorial
Health Centre

Edenbridge Memorial Health Centre

This project exemplifies Kingsley's commitment to quality, precision, and adaptability. The team’s meticulous attention to detail, from material selection to daily sealing procedures, guaranteed a flawless waterproof finish. Their ability to adjust to different roof types and challenges showcased their versatility and problem-solving skills.
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Plough Lane, Wimbledon, London

With over 14,000 square metres of blue roof system this is believed to be the largest blue roofing project in London, to date, and one of the largest in the country.
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Alexandra School
This school re-roofing project serves as a testament to Kingsley's expertise in managing complex, time-sensitive projects within the education sector.
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Contact us today

We recognise that sustainability is a journey, not a destination. We are committed to ongoing improvement, regularly monitoring and reporting our progress through iAuditor to ensure transparency and accountability.

We actively seek feedback from stakeholders and explore innovative solutions to further reduce our environmental impact. 

Kingsley Roofing is proud to be a leader in sustainable roofing practices, and we invite you to join us on this journey towards a greener future. 
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